Feb 4, 2020

Melissa Meeker, CEO, The Water Tower, Melissa@theh2otower.org
Frank Kaplan, VP, Olea Edge Analytics, frank@oleaedge.com
Olea Edge Analytics first installed demonstration for The Water Tower at Gwinnett
Innovative Edge Analytical Technology to Improve Utility Optimization
GWINNETT COUNTY, Georgia – This week The Water Tower, Gwinnett County’s new water innovation center, supervised the installation of Olea Edge Analytics’ solution at the county’s largest commercial clients. Gwinnett County, like all water utilities, has hundreds of flow meters in the drinking water distribution system that monitor the amount of water used by commercial customers. This information is then used to invoice the customer for water usage. The meters are typically tested annually using industry standard test protocols to verify proper working condition. Olea Edge Analytics utilizes patented technology that continuously monitors these high-value meters to quickly identify anomalies that could mean the meter is not operating and billing correctly.
“The Water Tower’s goal is to demonstrate innovative technologies and be a place where water utilities from all over can see these technologies in operation,” said Melissa Meeker, CEO of The Water Tower. “Olea offers a great product that can help water utilities ensure their equipment is operating at its optimum and can help identify potential sources of revenue recovery within the water supply system.”
The Water Tower, which launched in September 2019, has water industry partners comprised of startups, seasoned companies, and utilities. The Water Tower, a state-of-the-art campus adjacent to the F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center, offers a mix of research, technology demonstration, training and public outreach facilities. The Water Tower provides access to assets in Gwinnett County including labs, distribution and collection systems, pump stations, and treatment plants to solve regional and industry-wide problems by identifying, prioritizing, and participating in relevant applied research and development.
“Olea is excited to partner with The Water Tower where water utilities can see live demonstrations of Olea’s new innovative technology.” said Dave Mackie, CEO, Olea Edge Analytics.
“Olea’s technology provides water utilities with unparalleled insights into meter accuracy, actionable repair recommendations and a compelling return on investment. We have successfully deployed Olea’s Meter Health Analytics solution in the City of Atlanta and Austin, Texas. We look forward to leveraging The Water Tower’s network throughout the industry.”
The Water Tower is a new breed of innovation center providing answers to a multitude of complex challenges facing the water industry through an integrated approach to applied research, technology innovation, workforce development, and stakeholder engagement. With its mission to be a thriving ecosystem of water innovation fueled by imagination, informed by research, and powered by pioneers, The Water Tower is especially invested in helping utilities devise strategies to benefit from digital advancements in water supply and quality. For more information visit www.theh2otower.org