Professional Development
TWT, in partnership with Julius Education, an online learning platform, is developing water industry trainings to address specific needs. These courses include:
From Peer to Supervisor – a water utility focused leadership development course to help new supervisors manage the shift from friend and peer to supervisor. This course is self-directed with auto bookmarking and quizzes and should take approximately XX hours to complete.
Intro to Digital Twin – with so much focus on technology innovation and a flurry of hype about opportunities to create a Digital Twin, this course with take you from the beginning and explain exactly what a Digital Twin is and how it can be useful. This course is self-directed with auto bookmarking and quizzes and should take approximately XX hours to complete.
Skills Development
360Water Courses - TWT has an online library of Georgia State approved courses covering water, wastewater, collections, O&M and safety topics. Each 2-hour course, approved for 1 CEU, is self-directed with auto bookmarking and quizzes/tests. TWT is able to track and report student activities.